
The data privacy policy is located here

How do I navigate on the map?

If your device has an activated GPS, your position will be found automatically. You are able to search Restrooms on another position. Move on the map with your finger to another position and the restrooms will be refreshed soon. In another topic will be explained how to change the number of positions (default= 5 locations).

How do I move back to my position?

To navigate back to your current position, tap on the top left navigation symbol and you are back on your local position.

Where I can find details about the bathrooms/ toilets?

Just tap on a toilet.

Why are some bathrooms green?

Green bathrooms have been reported as "public".

How many locations do you display?

Per default, the application shows five locations. If you tap on the arrow, top left window, you can open the menu. Here you are able to define how many positions should be displayed (Option available 5, 10, 20).

How do I rate, add or report missing bathrooms or toilets?

Just click on a toilet to report or rate it. Adding toilets is possible via the menu on the top left.

How can I move back from help to the Bathroom Scout?

In the menu under Help/Info you will find the help section of Bathroom Scout. If you tap on the help option you will be forwarded to the online help at To navigate back to Bathroom Scout you can use the back button.

How can I request any bugs or feedback?

We are happy to get some feedback whenever you have a problem, a bug or anything else. Please open the menu on the top left corner and tap on the feedback buttom. Enter an email address and some feedback and tap on the „Send“ button. We will answer your questions immediately.

Where is the data from?

Many locations are provided by OpenStreetMap, this data is being distributed under the Open Database Licence, see

Some of the icons are made by Scott de Jonge and Freepik from

Thank you very much for using Bathroom Scout!

Your Mobilino Team